
Duckduckgo android search bar
Duckduckgo android search bar

duckduckgo android search bar

Note that Brave Search is based on an independent index.

duckduckgo android search bar

Independence means choice: for users-and for Brave-to be safer online, and not be beholden to the privacy invasions, censorship, biases, or economic interests of Big Tech. Brave Search, meanwhile, would stay fully operational.

duckduckgo android search bar

If Big Tech suddenly ceased to function, those other search operators would go offline. They’re just façades that rely exclusively on third-parties for their results. Most search engines-even supposedly “neutral” or “private” ones-don’t do this. An index is the list of billions of web pages, and some basic info about those pages, that search engines draw from to deliver search results. Second, Brave Search operates from an independent search index. This is far different from the vast majority of search providers, who siphon up every piece of data about your search behavior, and tie it directly to you. We don’t track you, your searches, or your clicks. First, and most important, Brave Search adheres to core principles of privacy.

Duckduckgo android search bar